Chicago Chapter [HOME]
Society of Architectural Historians

Your last five entered reservations or events
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by clicking "Cancel" in the left-most column.
To pay a fee still owed Note the amount owed, then click the link in the yellow Fee Owed column.

Event Seats Event Date Fee Owed Fee Paid      
Name of added persons Specials *

8/19/2024 First Additions: Strategies for Adding On 2 9/26/2024 $ $0 0 0 0
Cancel Dee Tevonian

7/17/2024 Members' Special Driehaus Tour 2 8/16/2024 $ $0 0 0 0
Cancel Dee Tevonian

5/12/2024 Pullman National Park Tour 6 6/22/2024 $ $600 2 1 3
Cancel Frank, Elka, Mike, Donna, Dee

4/2/2024 Prize Homes... 2 4/24/2024 $ $0 0 0 0
Cancel Dee Tevonian

1/30/2024 Crossing Boundaries with Frank Lloyd Wright 2 1/31/2024 $ $0 0 0 0
Cancel Dee Late reservation, waitlisted

* These columns typically describe how many people will have Beef, Fish, or Veg dinners, respectively, at the Show 'n Tell.